Sunday, October 19, 2008

From The Penalty Box

A weekend without massive derby action.  An odd empty feeling, but I'm consoled as there's more to come, and I guess I should do my day job some time.  

After two weekends of roller derby action, THE story is the impact of rules changes in 3.1, or how they are being called.  Specifically with the changes for "Cutting The Track".  From my viewpoint, and the multitude of posters at DNN, that the amount of penalties seemed excessive.  Lots of good discussion going on at DNN.  I think it boils down to one of three areas:

-  Skaters need to adjust to the rules changes.  Learn how to come back in, and prevent the new tactic of blocker slowdown to hold the opposing player outside.

-  Referees need to adjust how they are calling the rules.  The interpretations are resulting in actions that do not effect play resulting in minors or even majors, and it can be addressed by referee changes.

-  The rules changes went to far and need to be changed again.

Each area has some truth to it, and I have no doubt the WFTDA will be working on this.  In the meantime, follow and participate in the discussions on the DNN boards.  While I don't know that it will affect what WFTDA does, it will provide them with a multitude of perspectives in a very difficult area.  

Next time, I'll do some Western v. Eastern comparisons

Don Bombshelter

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